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Affiliate Certification

The Performance Thinking Network grows by working with clients to implement our programs in their organizations, and through Affiliates who are individual consultants or firms that choose to integrate one or more Performance Thinking® programs into offerings for their clients.

An Affiliate may start a relationship with us as a Sales Affiliate, offering our programs in the marketplace in exchange for a finder’s fee from The Performance Thinking Network. However, our preferred Affiliate relationships are with individuals and organizations that already successfully sell and deliver their own services into markets where our programs can also add value.  Typical examples are those who serve the sales enablement, process improvement, or applied behavior analysis markets where our programs can offer valuable extensions of Affiliates’ consulting or development work with clients. Our programs can also provide “a foot in the door” for Affiliates in some situations, who can later offer additional products and services.

Affiliate Certification occurs when one or more individuals within an Affiliate organization become certified (link to program facilitator/coach certification page) to deliver Performance Thinking (PTN) Programs.  This enables the Affiliate to generate substantial revenue for themselves with support from PTN, in exchange for a per-participant licensing fee paid to PTN.

For more details about becoming an Affiliate of The Performance Thinking Network, click here.

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