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Performance Thinking®  for Sales EnableMENT

We offer a unique sales enablement system approach, made possible by our simple yet powerful models and straightforward application for both staff performance professionals and line leaders and managers.  Learn more at our YouTube channel.

Our Founder, Carl Binder, who created and led a joint venture consulting firm specializing in sales enablement for Global 1000 companies during the 1980’s and 1990’s, has a special interest and deep expertise in the analysis and support of exemplary sales performance.  Several of our Consultants, notably Dr. Barbara Bucklin, also have special expertise in sales enablement. You can read a white paper on this topic in our Resource Library.

We offer a customized, potentially turn-key approach to sales performance enablement that integrates best practices performance analysis, using the tools of our Performance Thinking® Practitioner Program  with Six Boxes® Performance Coaching for sales leaders.

Our unique offering develops a team of people in your organization from Sales Training, Sales Operations, Marketing, and other functions that serve sales performance with a customized version of our Six Boxes® Practitioner Program. We teach your people how to conduct an accomplishment-based exemplary sales performance analysis to define the milestones and progress indicators (i.e. work outputs) that successful sales people in your organization achieve to hit and exceed their goals.

With the results of that analysis, which your people can continuously refine and improve over time, we help you set a foundation for developing and continuously improving an integrated, integrated system of training and non-training components to drive exemplary sales performance.

We then introduce The Performance Thinking® Coach to enable your sales leaders to drive continuous improvement for each sales professional, as they encounter specific challenges and priorities in their territories and accounts.

Here's a PDF you can download , share and print that describes our approach.

If you’d like to take a big leap in your organization’s ability to develop and sustain exceptional sales performance, please contact us to learn more.

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To learn more call 206.780.8578