Who We Are
The Performance Thinking Network is a global community of individuals and organizations who use Six Boxes Performance Thinking to understand, communicate about, and improve human performance. Based on nearly 40 years of research and experience consulting with organizations to accelerate results, we re-launched in early 2010 as a 21st century networked organization designed to create a shared body of knowledge and experience.
Our vision is to build a community of people whose shared experience will provide far greater insight and capability than the experience of any individual or sub-group, no matter how extraordinary, to push the limits of organizational productivity, profitability, and human engagement.
We are now just beginning to build that network through our programs, our affiliates, and such online networking facilities as our Six Boxes Performance Thinking group on LinkedIn . We welcome long time colleagues and new friends to join us and to spread the word about the power of Six Boxes Performance Thinking.
To understand more about our founding principles and beliefs, click here .
Our work has been influenced by many brilliant and passionate people. To better understand our foundation, read about how they inspired us.